
Men, women not so different when it comes to shopping behavior

Over two-thirds of men and two-thirds of women do the majority of their shopping online and more than two-thirds of men and women are...

10 Crucial SEO Trends in 2021: Stay Ahead of Competition

Will SEO still be relevant in 2021? Of course, SEO will still be relevant in 2021, because why wouldn’t it? It’s the present and...
woman in store

What’s hot in retail technology investments right now?

1. M&S Hermes UK has announced that Marks & Spencer is its first retail partner to use its new video technology – Hermes Play.  This allows...

5 forces that stripped apparel sales in the last decade

Editor's Note: This story is part of a package on direct-to-consumer brands. Find the rest of the stories here. In 2020, bankruptcy courts have been crowded...

Ranking: Top 30 growth retailers led by Gymshark, Boohoo and Farfetch

PROMOTIONAL RESEARCH Dominated by retailers, our latest Top 30 Growth Retailers ranking is critical reading in the run-up to Christmas as shoppers increasingly migrate online. As...

How Social Media Marketing Has Revolutionized The Gaming Industry?

The majority of the retailing operations for the gaming business are arranged through digital communications like YouTube and various other proficient message conveying platforms....
Nathan Lemon @processrepeat

Black Friday’s too late this year. Is Prime Day just in time?

After months of speculation around just when Amazon would go through with its annual Prime Day sale, usually held in July, it has finally landed in mid-October. That...

Six Numbers That Explain The Fate of Department Stores

Department stores were the 20th century's marvelous shopping destination. Retailers that were filled with varied and often unique merchandise, offering high levels of convenience and...

Retail fails: 6 of the biggest blunders from industry history

Every now and then in retail, decisions turn out so badly that leaders can't even blame the weather. Or "fashion misses."  To be fair, in...



Will Self-Checkout Ever Win Over Its Critics?

Self-checkout stations show little signs of slowing their expansion across retail, yet critics only appear to be getting louder. In a recent article in The Atlantic,...

American Express expands small business perks as it reportedly falls under federal investigation

Dive Brief: Days before The Wall Street Journal reported federal investigators were looking into American Express' sales to business owners, the company introduced more incentives...

Digital Shift Leads Mastercard To Take Contactless Payments To The Cloud

If the sky’s the limit for contactless payments, which the pandemic has certainly shown, and if the technology is deployed across mobile devices ......